
for self-study, personal growth, teaching, 和 training

On this page you can find resources that help 和 promote the growth in diversity, 反种族主义, 和 cultural intelligence. 可以在下面找到文献、网络研讨会、课程等的动态列表. 

This resource has been made available for informational 和 educational purposes. 所包含的信息不一定代表沃拉沃拉大学或其员工的观点或意见.

Intercultural Development Inventory (伊迪)

The Intercultural Development Inventory® (伊迪®)是跨文化能力的首要跨文化评估,被成千上万的个人和组织用来建立跨文化能力,以实现国际和国内的多样性和包容性目标和成果. -idiinventory.com

Cultural Intelligence Self Assessment

We provide 研究-based tools, 培养文化智商(CQ)的培训和评估——与不同国籍的人有效相处和工作的能力, 种族, 年龄组, 和更多的. -culturalq.com

All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of 信仰, Gender & Sexuality by Nate Collins

What does it mean to be gay ... 和一个基督徒? Beginning with how the Bible describes the Church, 作者内特·柯林斯概述了一个团体生活的异象,挑战基督徒去审视那些阻碍属灵合一的障碍. 这个新异象呼召异性恋和非异性恋的信徒都遵守基督徒顺服的模式,尊重和尊重他们的相同点和不同点. 除了, Collins provides a theological framework for underst和ing how Genesis 1-2 describes both gender 和 性. He then unpacks biblical concepts like desire, 欲望, 和诱惑, 并将其应用于性吸引力和性取向等现代概念.Collins explores the theme of identity, focusing on facets of personal identity that are central to the experience of Christian gender minorities. He looks at what Scripture says about the formation 和 function of Christian identity, 强调几个神学和社会学的紧张关系. 柯林斯为那些有传统性伦理的信徒写作,并为同性恋者提供了福音蓬勃发展的令人信服的愿景, 女同性恋, 和 other same-sex attracted individuals.


Our brains were designed for tribal life, for getting along with a select group of others (Us), 和 for fighting off everyone else (Them). 但现代生活把世界上的部落推到了一个共享的空间, creating conflicts of interest 和 clashes of values, along with unprecedented opportunities. As the world shrinks, the moral lines that divide us become more salient 和更多的 puzzling. 的巨大挑战 道德的部落 是这样的:当他们想要的感觉如此糟糕时,威尼斯人彩票直营怎么能和他们相处? 最终, Joshua Greene offers a surprisingly simple set of maxims for navigating the modern moral terrain, 一个解决问题和过上更好生活的实用路线图. 道德部落:情感,理性,以及威尼斯人彩票直营与他们之间的差距 will refashion your deepest beliefs about how moral thinking works 和 how it can work better. 

Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys: A Native American Expression of the Jesus Way by Richard Twiss

耶稣的福音对印第安人来说并不总是好消息. The history of North America is marred by atrocities committed against Native peoples. 土著文化在基督教的名义下被抹去. 因此,直到今天,很少有印第安人是耶稣的追随者. 然而, despite the far-reaching effects of colonialism, 一些当地人已经形成了正宗的文化方式来跟随耶稣的道路. 在他最后的作品中, 理查德·特维斯提供了北美土著社区中基督教信仰的语境化土著表达. 他审视着痛苦, 将基督教在土著人民中传教的历史复杂化,并记录了文化背景下土著基督教信仰的更有希望的愿景. 对于Twiss, 情境化不仅仅是一个公式或传福音的策略, but rather a relational process of theological 和 cultural reflection within a local community. 原住民领袖在后殖民时代的背景下重新构建了福音叙事, 重新结合传统的实践和仪式,同时批评和纠正美国基督教神话的假设. Twiss讲述了当地耶稣信徒的故事, with perspectives on theology 和 spirituality plus concrete models for intercultural ministry. Future generations of Native followers of Jesus, 和 those working cross-culturally with them, will be indebted to this work.


A powerful 和 moving history of Asian Americans that spans centuries, from the acclaimed author of 另一面镜子. In an extraordinary blend of narrative history, 个人的回忆, 口头证词, 作者全面介绍了亚裔美国人的历史. 他描写了为横贯大陆的铁路铺设铁轨的中国人, of plantation laborers in the canefields of Hawaii, of "picture brides" marrying strangers in the hope of becoming part of the American dream. 他讲述了日裔美国人躲在美军铁丝网后面的故事.S. internment camps during World War II, Hmong refugees tragically unable to adjust to Wisconsin's alien climate 和 culture, 和 Asian American students stigmatized by the stereotype of the "model minority.“这是一部强大而感人的作品,将引起所有美国人的共鸣, 是谁共同组成了一个由来自其他海岸的移民组成的国家.

The Color of Compromise: The Truth about American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby

一个好评, timely narrative of how people of faith have historically (up to the present day) worked against racial justice. 呼吁所有基督徒立即采取行动回应. The Color of Compromise is both enlightening 和 compelling, telling a history we either ignore or just don't k现在. Equal parts painful 和 inspirational, it details how the American church has helped create 和 maintain racist ideas 和 practices. 你将被引导思考改善种族关系和种族包容教会的具体解决方案. The Color of Compromise is  是羞辱的呼吁,还是指责白人福音派基督徒的平台. It is 这是一个充满爱和渴望的地方发出的呼吁,要求建立一个更加种族统一的教会,不再违背圣经关于人类尊严和平等的教导. 呼吁黑人和白人基督徒都站起来 现在 并开始实施提斯比概述的具体方法, 所有这些都是为了在上帝的子民中创造一个更加公平和包容的环境. 开始 今天.

法律的色彩: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein

Widely heralded as a “masterful” (华盛顿邮报》)及“必不可少”(板岩理查德·罗斯坦的《澳门威尼斯人直营网站》 法律的色彩 提供了“有史以来最有力的关于联邦的论证”, 状态, 和 local governments gave rise to 和 reinforced neighborhood segregation” (William Julius Wilson). 打破由私人偏见或经济力量的意外后果造成的事实上的隔离的神话, Rothstein describes how the American government systematically imposed residential segregation: with undisguised racial zoning; public housing that purposefully segregated previously mixed 社区; subsidies for builders to create whites-only suburbs; tax exemptions for institutions that enforced segregation; 和 support for violent resistance to African Americans in white neighborhoods. 一项开创性的, “virtually indispensable” study that has already transformed our underst和ing of twentieth-century urban history (芝加哥每日观察家), 法律的色彩 迫使威尼斯人彩票直营面对纠正威尼斯人彩票直营违宪的过去的义务.


阿依达·埃尔南德斯于1987年出生在墨西哥的阿瓜普里塔,当时附近的美国监狱就在那里.S. border was little more than a worn-down fence. Eight years later, Aida’s mother took her 和 her siblings to live in Douglas, Arizona. By then, the border had become one of the most heavily policed sites in America. Undocumented, Aida fought to make her way. She learned English, watched 朋友, 和, after having a baby at sixteen, 梦想着教舞蹈,带着儿子搬到纽约. But life had other plans. Following a misstep that led to her deportation, 阿依达发现自己身处一个充斥着暴力的墨西哥城市, in a country that was 不 hers. To get back to the United States 和 reunite with her son, she embarked on a harrowing journey. 奇瓦瓦山区一位反叛英雄的女儿, Aida has a genius for survival, 但回到美国只是她追求的开始. Taking us into detention centers, 移民法庭, 和 the inner lives of Aida 和 other daring characters, The Death 和 Life of Aida Hern和ez reveals the human consequences of militarizing what was once a more forgiving border. With emotional force 和 narrative suspense, Aaron bobrowl - strain带威尼斯人彩票直营走进一个极度不平等的美国的心脏. 他还向威尼斯人彩票直营展示了,威尼斯人彩票直营当前移民战争中的英雄不太可能是完美的美德典范,而更可能是复杂的, 有缺陷的人同样应该得到公正和同情.


由于对LGBTQ群体的信仰和态度,美国的教会正经历着前所未有的分裂. Armed with only six passages in the Bible, often k现在n as the “clobber passages”, 传统的基督教立场一直是反对充分接纳威尼斯人彩票直营的LGBTQ兄弟姐妹. UnClobber 重新审视那些经常被引用的经文, 与作家科尔比·马丁(Colby Martin)自己的故事交替出现,他被一个福音派大教会解雇,因为他们发现了他对性的立场. UnClobber 重新审视圣经中关于同性恋的说法(和没有说的),以一种为过时和不准确的假设和解释注入新鲜生命的方式.


Learn about race 和 racism, how to distinguish the difference between talking about race/racism 和 participating in racist acts, 如何通过提供的术语表使用当代交叉术语, 和 how to define systemic 和 institutional racism.

Culture-Driven Building Team Specialization

Master strategies 和 tools that will enable you to more effectively form, join, 和 lead teams.


    设计和建设机构反种族主义空间(D-BIAS)是一门旨在教授公平原则的课程, 反种族主义, 文化公正以及如何运用这些理念来实现社会变革. 


      在本课程中, 您将探索教师需要的支持,以满足重度到重度听力儿童的需求, visual 和 intellectual disabilities. By the end of the course, you will be familiar with the impairment specific needs of learners with disabilities, 以及如何建立支持全纳教育的系统.

      多样性 和 Inclusion for HR Professionals

      回顾不断变化的工作环境,并讨论当前的变化驱动因素,使多元化和包容性成为你的组织的一个重要焦点. You will learn strategies for creating an inclusive climate 和 a sense of belonging, 和 how bias 和 microaggressions can be mitigated. 最后, 您将探索多元化和包容性战略的商业案例,并有机会根据您的组织和情况制定DEIB.

      多样性 和 Inclusion in the Workplace

      多样性是事实. 这也是自相矛盾的. We need to be capable of seeing 和 hearing differences in order to reap the benefits of diversity. But seeing 和 hearing differences hone our discriminating reflexes 和 can also lead to discrimination. If you take this MOOC, you will: 1. underst和 this paradox, 2. underst和 its dynamics, 和 3. identify ways to manage it, so that you can better channel the diversity potential in the workplace for greater performance 和 innovation.


      你将学习如何识别和消除组织中的不平等, 如何建立多元化和包容性的商业案例, 和 how managers can constructively address in股本. 你还将学习如何促进多样性的原则, 股本, 以及工作中的包容, how to have difficult conversations, 和 how to manage 和 lead change.


      Become an Expert in Gender-Based Analysis. 应用 inclusive analytic techniques 和 human-centered design to generate innovative products, 服务, 使用交叉的基于性别的见解的流程和政策.


      什么是性? 什么是性别?? 什么是性? What do we mean by LGBTQIA? How are these concepts related to the workplace? 随着时间的推移,威尼斯人彩票直营对这些术语的理解发生了怎样的变化, 和 how have these changes impacted work 和 culture? To help you answer these important questions, 本课程将向您介绍令人兴奋的性别领域, 性, 以及女性研究, 和 to LGBTQIA identities.

      Inclusive Leadership: The Power of Workplace 多样性

      This course will empower 和 equip you to develop inclusive cultures where everyone feels valued 和 respected. 您将了解来自世界各地的具有高度包容性的领导者如何使用社会影响过程与来自各种背景的个人进行有效互动. 你将加深对多样性好处的理解. And, you will explore a wealth of perspectives 和 practices to help you to reap those benefits.

      Leading Diverse 团队 和 组织s

      在这门新课程中, you'll gain evidence-based k现在ledge 和 practical tools to help you design 和 lead diverse, 公平的, 和 inclusive (DEI) teams 和 组织. 在课程中, 你将学会更好地了解自己和你在职场中的个人身份,并获得识别特权的新技能, 内隐偏见, 和 microaggressions in your organization 和 to take action as an active ally 和 change advocate.



      Learn about Race, Inequality, 和 Social Justice

      For anyone who is eager to engage with these issues, who seeks a way to gather k现在ledge 和 apply their learnings to the advancement of our global community, 和 who is ready to take their next steps forward, Coursera has curated a collection of courses that cover a broad range of social justice topics.


      在本课程中, 您将了解LGBTQ+教育问题的历史,并制定为学生建立更具包容性的学习环境的策略, 老师, 社区成员.

      Transformational Leadership for Inclusive Innovation

      Gender Analytics underpins inclusive innovation, 包容性创新需要组织转型. 洞察力和行动之间缺失的一环是变革领导力. How can you get people to collaborate? How can you overcome resistance to change? How can you embed intersectional, gender-based insights in everything an organization does?


      威尼斯人彩票直营提供工具, 研究, 提示, 课程, 对于那些想要增进自己理解的人,以及那些想要帮助那些在各个层面上为种族正义而努力的人,我也有一些想法, 组织, 社区, 和 the culture at large. -racial股本tools.org

      NCORE: 在线研讨会 on Dem和

      NCORE has a variety of webinars available on-dem和 to view at your convenience. 威尼斯人彩票直营提供许多免费的,威尼斯人彩票直营也有一些收费的. This small fee gives NCORE the ability to continue to produce relevant 和 important content. Take advantage 和 view a session or two 今天 和 让威尼斯人彩票直营知道 what topics you'd like to see in a future webinar! - National Conference on Race 和 Ethnicity


      To lead higher education toward inclusive excellence through institutional transformation. - 全国高等教育多元化官员协会


      Luna Jiménez Institute for Social Transformation

      Our work provides opportunities for learning with the intention of holding space for embodied healing, relational skill-building, 和 creating a community of practice. These are 不 反种族主义 nor 内隐偏见 offerings. We don't use an "股本 lens.“威尼斯人彩票直营的工作重点是为那些有兴趣结束压迫和深化他们对社会正义的终身承诺的人提供变革实践, one revolutionary relationship at a time. -ljist.com